Museum of Digital Arts

Some Top Digital Artists

Hate to give a plug to another website but Behance has come up with a list of artists they think are some of the best.

1. Evgeny Parfenov – He has a distinct style that reminds us of some of the poster art from the World War II era.

2. Alberto Seveso – He has a wide range of styles but several of his works are somewhat reminiscent of Hieronymous Bosch with maybe a little Salvador Dali thrown in. Others look fairly straight forward while some look like depictions of the blobs in lava lamps.

3. Anton Semenov – Most are faces with a fixation on the mouth in many. Some quite ghoulish. One that is fascinating is a face made up of many small arms.

4. Natalie Shau – Most of her work are just the heads of girls/women. Many are stylized with large eyes. Some are very frilly, others look like they are out of a horror movie.

5. Melvin Zelissen – Very well done. If you like science fiction and fantasy you will like his work. Some are transformers, some look like Vikings, others out of video games.

6. Bram Vanhaeren – Uses Illustrator. Almost looks like pen and ink sketches with some color thrown in. They are more minimalist and simple in character than many of the others.

7. Aaron Campbell – Wide range of styles. Some look like Salvador Dali on drugs if that is possible. One landscape looks like something done by a WPA artist. Very much that 1930s style. Others are illustrations for books or video games (in the style of Super Mario). One beautiful one called Sea of Glass Campaign depicts whales and seals and other undersea creatures.

8. Richard Davies – Amazing portfolio. He does mostly faces and frequently you don’t even see the entire face. Many are well known and are action heroes like Captain America and Daredevil. There is also Chevy Chase from Christmas Vacation, characters from Mad Men and many more. He portrait of Debbie Harry is beautiful, haunting and sexy as hell.

9. Martin Grohs – How do you categorize him? One compelling painting is a woman whose bottom half is an Octopus. Another is a beautiful pen and ink sketch. Others are different still. Google him and see for yourself.

10. Aleksi Kostyuk – Another wide range. Some of beautiful women, mostly neck up. Some of characters from the Slash movies. And an odd one, a Darth Vader Mickey Mouse.

Will hit some more on the next go round.

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